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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Super food Spirulina


Spirulina  a super food.... a recent fav of mine. It it rich in so many vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and antioxidants. 

Here’s a list: B complex 
Vitamin E
Gamma linolenic acid (essential fatty acid)

It is amazing how many super packed combinations is in one source. This is one reason it is called a super food. It is known to boost immunity, fight cancer, helps against allergic reactions. In addition, it helps protect against liver damage and liver failure. 

Spirulina comes in a powdered form for quick absorption into the blood stream. I add it to my fresh juice in the morning. It goes well with smoothies etc... here is a link to more info

It is important to stay educated on the best foods for our bodies.... No one else is responsible for it. 

Enjoy!! Buen Provecho

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Kashi Lovers Beware!!!

Kashi Lovers you are getting more than you hoped for!! EEK
Ah Kashi!! I once enjoyed your selection....That was before I knew you were giving me more than I wanted. 

My family stopped consuming Kashi brand items 2 years ago. I began researching more and more the importance of ingredient labels. Kashi is not an organic product. So, (due to my tendency to be extreme), I let go of Kashi. I figured if a company is marketing themselves to be natural (which by the way,"natural" can mean anything), Why can' t they just be Organic? What is keeping them from the organic status? 

I just left them alone..... Which is a good thing. 

They were tested for genetically modified organisms ,and came up positive for GMO soy. Genetically modified organisms have been banned in many european countries. These GMO foods have proven track records to promote sterility, cancer, endocrine disturbances, just to name a few. The USA is lagging in their response to the public request of labeling foods. 

I write this blog post to inform you of the importance of food. Why it is important to be proactive in what we are putting into our bodies. For more information on these genetically modified organisms: visit the

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Nourishing the Mind and Body

Reflection is necessary for growth. Shall we remain doing the same things over and over and expect change. 

As our household begins the new homeschool year, I prepare as Mom/Teacher/Wife. I want to honor the Lord with my mind and body. This includes the food I nourish my body with and the knowledge I nourish my mind with. I am in charge of what goes into my children's mind and body. Thus, I have been reading "Educating the Wholehearted Child," by Clay and Sally Clarkson. I am recommending this book to all parents. 

It provides a Godly perspective on the home and the education of your children. It encourages and provides tools for parents. Those seeking to homeschool, it is an excellent book to start with. 

Parents remember, whether you homeschool or public school, You are in charge of what goes in your children. Let us take pride and responsibility in their mind and bodies. Feed them healthy organic fruits, vegetables, and grains, it is the avenue to their bodies health. 
