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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Organic Strawberry Jam

Homemade Organic Strawberry Jam

Tis the Season of Strawberries!!! Feeling Merry Already!! 
I love Strawberries.... Sweet and Satisfies my Sweet Tooth.

This was my first attempt at making Jam... Not a big Jam person but my kids love Old Fashion Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches and topping it on whole wheat pancakes!! So I decided to make it, instead of buying it, like I normally do.

Ok!! So I try my best to stay away from refined sugars etc.... So, I researched ways of making my special strawberry jam more healthier. I used local raw honey and xylitol to sweetened my jam instead of sugar. 

Xylitol is diabetic friendly and helps fight against tooth decay.. great sweetener!! Another Perk: Your body does not process this as a sugar. It does not interfere with blood sugar levels or get stored as fat. Love it

2 cups of Organic Strawberries, sliced
1 cup of Xylitol, non GMO
1 tbsp of Raw Honey (preferably local)
1/4 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice

Place sliced strawberries into saucepan with honey, xylitol, and lemon on low heat till xylitol is dissolved. Then, increase the heat to medium, until strawberries have a somewhat pureed or dismantled. (Or you can smash them prior to placing them in saucepan)

Then remove from stove top and place in glass jar(with lid) of your choice leaving 1/4 to 1/2 inch headspace, and seal. 

For a more syrup texture, add a little less xylitol.

It was a great hit with my kids!! Enjoy, Buen Provecho!!

Organic Girly

1 comment:

  1. thanks to share nice "Strawberry Jam" Recipes
    definitely i will try to prepare for my children, because i like it very much

    buy natural sweeteners
